“Bye Bye Love Handles: Defeating the Waistline Bulge”

We don’t know who named it love handles but we are sure that nobody loves them. It indicates poor lifestyle and overall health. Love handle, which is also known as a muffin top, is the excess fat sitting on the sides of your abdomen. As you might have discovered by now, it is quite challenging to lose them. Your regular abs workout routine is not effective in shedding fat on your sides. If you want to lose love for your handles, you need to work on those areas specifically but you cannot spot reduce. So, you need to lose fat with cardio and do exercises to target your obliques to tone the muscles. You also need to control your diet and eat healthily to get the desired result.

What Are Love Handles?

Don’t get deceived by the name Love handles; there is no love in it. Another name for the fat deposits around your hips and waistline is Love handles. It shows more prominently when you wear body-hugging clothes or traditional wear like sarees or half-sarees. But clothes are not to be blamed. Let us learn more details about the exercises for love handles and how to treat them effectively.

What Causes Love Handles?

Fat retention is an underlying cause of love and handles many reasons adding to it. When the food you eat has too many calories, or you don’t burn the calories you accumulate. If you don’t find a solution soon, the fat starts becoming noticeable around the waist and hips, like a tire. Several other factors that cause love handles include:

  • Hormonal changes
  • Fat deposit is typical as you get older.
  • If you are not active physically.
  • Foods that are high in fats, calories, and sugars.
  • Lack of sleep.

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15 Easy Exercises for Burning Love Handles Fat in a Week:

Here we enlisted 15 easy and best exercises to lose love handles at home. Let’s have a look at them.


The woodchopper exercise is a great functional movement that targets multiple muscle groups, including the core, shoulders, and hips. It mimics the action of chopping wood, hence the name. Here’s how you can perform the woodchopper exercise:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bend your knees.
  2. Hold a dumbbell, medicine ball, or cable handle with both hands. Start with a weight that is comfortable for you but still provides a challenge.
  3. Begin the movement by rotating your torso and raising the weight diagonally across your body, from low to high. Imagine you’re chopping wood.
  4. As you rotate and lift, pivot on your back foot and allow your hips to rotate naturally.
  5. Keep your arms extended throughout the movement and engage your core muscles to maintain stability.
  6. Exhale as you perform the upward movement and inhale as you return to the starting position.
  7. Repeat the exercise for the desired number of repetitions on one side before switching to the other side.

It’s important to maintain control and proper form throughout the exercise. Start with a lighter weight and focus on mastering the technique before increasing the resistance. Gradually progress by adding more weight or increasing the speed and intensity of the movement.

If you don’t have access to dumbbells or a cable machine, you can also perform a similar movement using a resistance band anchored at chest level. Attach the band to a sturdy object, hold the handle with both hands, and follow the same chopping motion described above.

As always, listen to your body, and if you experience any discomfort or pain, modify the exercise or consult a fitness professional for guidance.

Russian Twists

Russian twists are an effective exercise for targeting the oblique muscles, which can help reduce love handles. Here’s how you can perform Russian twists:

  1. Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground, hip-width apart. Lean back slightly and lift your feet off the floor, balancing on your sit bones. Engage your core muscles to maintain a stable position throughout the exercise.
  2. Extend your arms straight out in front of you, clasping your hands together or holding a weight or medicine ball for added resistance.
  3. Keeping your back straight, slowly twist your torso to the right side, bringing your hands or the weight to the right of your hips. Focus on using your oblique muscles to initiate the movement.
  4. Pause briefly at the right side and then twist your torso to the left side, bringing your hands or the weight to the left of your hips. This completes one repetition.
  5. Continue alternating sides in a controlled and deliberate manner. Aim to maintain a steady pace without sacrificing proper form.
  6. Perform the exercise for a desired number of repetitions or a specific duration, depending on your fitness level and goals.

Important tips:

  • Keep your core engaged throughout the exercise to protect your lower back and maintain stability.
  • Avoid using momentum to swing your torso from side to side. Instead, focus on controlled and deliberate movements.
  • Start with a lighter weight or no weight at all, and gradually increase the resistance as you become more comfortable and stronger.
  • If you experience any discomfort or pain, modify the exercise or consult a fitness professional.

Remember, while Russian twists can help strengthen and tone the oblique muscles, reducing love handles requires a combination of regular exercise, a healthy diet, and overall fat loss through calorie expenditure. It’s important to incorporate a well-rounded fitness routine and a balanced approach to nutrition for optimal results.

Hanging Leg Raises

Hanging leg raises are an excellent exercise for targeting the lower abs, hip flexors, and oblique muscles, which can help in reducing love handles. Here’s how you can perform hanging leg raises:

  1. Find a sturdy overhead bar or pull-up bar and hang from it with your palms facing away from you. Ensure that your arms are fully extended.
  2. Engage your core muscles and keep your legs straight. This will be your starting position.
  3. Slowly raise your legs by lifting your knees toward your chest. Focus on using your lower abs to initiate the movement. Maintain control and avoid swinging or using momentum.
  4. Continue raising your legs until they are parallel to the ground or as high as you can comfortably go without straining your lower back. Hold this position briefly and squeeze your abs.
  5. Slowly lower your legs back to the starting position in a controlled manner, allowing your abs to engage and resist the descent.
  6. Repeat the movement for a desired number of repetitions or a specific duration, depending on your fitness level and goals.

Important tips:

  • Maintain a steady and controlled pace throughout the exercise to maximize the engagement of the targeted muscles.
  • Keep your legs straight and avoid swinging or using momentum. If you find it challenging to keep your legs straight, you can slightly bend your knees.
  • Focus on your breathing and exhale as you lift your legs and inhale as you lower them.
  • If hanging from a bar is too challenging, you can also perform this exercise using a captain’s chair or dip station, where your arms are supported on parallel bars and your body is suspended with your legs hanging free.
  • If you experience any discomfort or pain, modify the exercise or consult a fitness professional.

Remember, while hanging leg raises can help strengthen and tone the abdominal muscles, reducing love handles requires a combination of regular exercise, a healthy diet, and overall fat loss through calorie expenditure. It’s important to incorporate a well-rounded fitness routine and a balanced approach to nutrition for optimal results.

Kettlebell Swing

The kettlebell swing is a dynamic exercise that engages multiple muscle groups, including the core, glutes, hamstrings, and back. While it may not specifically target love handles, it can contribute to overall fat loss and body toning. Here’s how you can perform a kettlebell swing:

  1. Begin by standing with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, toes pointed slightly outward. Place a kettlebell on the ground in front of you.
  2. Hinge at the hips and slightly bend your knees, maintaining a flat back and a neutral spine. Reach down and grab the kettlebell handle with both hands, palms facing toward you.
  3. Engage your core and prepare to initiate the movement. Your arms should be extended, and the kettlebell should be hanging between your legs.
  4. Drive your hips forward explosively, using the power generated by your glutes and hamstrings to swing the kettlebell upward. Keep your arms straight as the kettlebell rises to about chest height.
  5. As the kettlebell reaches its highest point, allow it to swing back down between your legs by hinging at the hips and slightly bending your knees. Keep your back straight and maintain control of the movement.
  6. Repeat the swing by immediately driving your hips forward again, creating a fluid and continuous motion. Aim for a smooth and controlled swinging motion throughout the exercise.

Important tips:

  • Maintain proper form throughout the exercise. Keep your core engaged, back straight, and shoulders pulled back.
  • Focus on using the power generated from your hips and lower body, rather than relying on your arms or shoulders to lift the kettlebell.
  • Avoid using excessive momentum or swinging the kettlebell too high, as this can strain your lower back. The height of the swing should be controlled and comfortable for your body.
  • Start with a lighter kettlebell to master the technique before progressing to a heavier weight.
  • If you’re new to kettlebell swings, consider working with a certified trainer to ensure proper form and technique.

While the kettlebell swing is a beneficial exercise, reducing love handles requires a combination of regular exercise, a healthy diet, and overall fat loss through calorie expenditure. Incorporate a well-rounded fitness routine that includes cardio exercises, strength training, and a balanced approach to nutrition for optimal results.

Crab Kick

The crab kick exercise primarily targets the oblique muscles, making it a suitable addition to a love handle workout routine. Here’s how you can perform the crab kick exercise:

  1. Start by sitting on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground, hip-width apart. Place your hands on the floor behind you with your fingers pointing towards your feet. Your fingertips should be facing forward.
  2. Lift your hips off the ground by pressing through your hands and feet, creating a bridge position. Your body should form a straight line from your head to your knees.
  3. From this position, lift your right hand off the ground and kick your left leg through the space created by your elevated body. Keep your leg straight and aim to bring your foot as close to the ground as possible without touching it.
  4. Return your left leg to the starting position and repeat the movement with your left hand and right leg. This completes one repetition.
  5. Continue alternating sides in a controlled and deliberate manner. Focus on engaging your oblique muscles as you perform the kicks.
  6. Perform the exercise for a desired number of repetitions or a specific duration, depending on your fitness level and goals.

Important tips:

  • Keep your core engaged throughout the exercise to maintain stability and support your body in the bridge position.
  • Aim for a smooth and controlled movement, avoiding any jerking or swinging motions.
  • If you find it challenging to maintain the bridge position, you can modify the exercise by performing it on your forearms instead of your hands.
  • Start with a few repetitions and gradually increase the intensity and volume as you become more comfortable and stronger.
  • If you experience any discomfort or pain, modify the exercise or consult a fitness professional.

Remember, while the crab kick exercise can help strengthen and tone the oblique muscles, reducing love handles requires a combination of regular exercise, a healthy diet, and overall fat loss through calorie expenditure. It’s important to incorporate a well-rounded fitness routine and a balanced approach to nutrition for optimal results.

Bicycle Crunch

The bicycle crunch is a highly effective exercise for targeting the oblique muscles, making it a great addition to a love handle workout. Here’s how you can perform the bicycle crunch:

  1. Start by lying flat on your back on a mat or the floor. Place your hands lightly behind your head, keeping your elbows open and pointing to the sides. Bend your knees and lift your feet off the ground, so your lower legs are parallel to the floor. This is your starting position.
  2. Engage your core muscles and lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the ground, using your hands for light support. Avoid pulling on your neck with your hands; instead, focus on keeping your core active and your upper body lifted.
  3. As you lift your upper body, simultaneously bring your right knee toward your chest while extending your left leg straight out, keeping it slightly above the ground.
  4. Now, twist your upper body to the right and bring your left elbow toward your right knee. As you do this, extend your right leg straight out, keeping it slightly above the ground.
  5. Next, reverse the motion by bringing your left knee toward your chest and extending your right leg straight out. Simultaneously, twist your upper body to the left and bring your right elbow toward your left knee.
  6. Continue this pedaling motion, alternating sides in a controlled and deliberate manner. Aim for a smooth and continuous movement.
  7. Perform the exercise for a desired number of repetitions or a specific duration, depending on your fitness level and goals.

Important tips:

  • Focus on keeping your core engaged throughout the exercise to maximize the activation of the oblique muscles.
  • Avoid pulling on your neck with your hands. Your hands are there for light support, but the effort should come from your core muscles.
  • Maintain a steady pace and avoid rushing through the movement. Quality and control are more important than speed.
  • Breathe naturally throughout the exercise, exhaling as you twist your upper body and inhaling as you return to the starting position.
  • Start with a few repetitions and gradually increase the intensity and volume as you become more comfortable and stronger.
  • If you experience any discomfort or pain, modify the exercise or consult a fitness professional.

While the bicycle crunch can help strengthen and tone the oblique muscles, reducing love handles requires a combination of regular exercise, a healthy diet, and overall fat loss through calorie expenditure. Incorporate a well-rounded fitness routine that includes cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and a balanced approach to nutrition for optimal results.

Plank Crunch

The Plank Crunch is a great exercise for targeting your core muscles, including the obliques (commonly referred to as love handles). Here’s how you can perform the Plank Crunch exercise:

  1. Start by getting into a plank position with your forearms resting on the ground and your toes on the floor. Ensure that your body forms a straight line from your head to your heels.
  2. Engage your core muscles by squeezing your abs and glutes.
  3. Next, rotate your body to one side, bringing your right knee towards your right elbow.
  4. Return to the starting plank position and repeat the movement on the other side, bringing your left knee towards your left elbow.
  5. Continue alternating sides in a controlled and deliberate manner, aiming for a slow and controlled movement.
  6. Perform the exercise for a desired number of repetitions or times, depending on your fitness level and goals.

It’s important to maintain proper form throughout the exercise. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Keep your core engaged and avoid sagging or arching your back.
  • Maintain a steady breathing pattern to help stabilize your core.
  • Focus on the contraction of your obliques as you bring your knee towards your elbow.
  • Start with a manageable number of repetitions and gradually increase as you build strength and endurance.

Remember, while the Plank Crunch can help strengthen your core and target the obliques, it’s also essential to incorporate a well-rounded fitness routine and a balanced diet to effectively reduce love handles.

One Hand Toe Touch

The One Hand Toe Touch exercise is another effective workout that targets the obliques and can help reduce love handles. Here’s how you can perform it:

  1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms relaxed at your sides.
  2. Raise your right hand straight up towards the ceiling, keeping your arm close to your ear. This will be your starting position.
  3. Engage your core muscles by squeezing your abs.
  4. Slowly bend sideways towards your left, reaching your left hand towards your left foot or ankle. Keep your right hand extended overhead throughout the movement.
  5. Pause for a moment when you feel a stretch in your side (oblique muscles).
  6. Return to the starting position by slowly straightening up and bringing your right hand back towards the ceiling.
  7. Repeat the movement on the other side by raising your left hand towards the ceiling and bending sideways towards your right.
  8. Continue alternating sides in a controlled and deliberate manner.

Here are a few tips to perform the One Hand Toe Touch exercise correctly:

  • Keep your core engaged throughout the exercise to maintain stability and control.
  • Avoid leaning forward or backward as you bend sideways. Focus on moving in a straight line.
  • If you can’t touch your toes or ankles, reach as far as you comfortably can without straining.
  • Perform the exercise in a slow and controlled manner to maximize the engagement of your oblique muscles.

In addition to the One Hand Toe Touch exercise, remember to incorporate a variety of exercises that target your entire core, such as planks, Russian twists, bicycle crunches, and side planks, along with a healthy diet, to effectively reduce love handles.

Triangle Pose

Triangle Pose, also known as Trikonasana, is a yoga pose that can help strengthen and stretch your entire body, including the obliques, to potentially reduce love handles. Here’s how you can perform the Triangle Pose:

  1. Start by standing at the top of your mat with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Step your feet wide apart, around 3 to 4 feet depending on your comfort level. Ensure your heels are aligned with each other.
  3. Turn your right foot out to a 90-degree angle, so your toes point to the top of the mat. Keep your left foot slightly turned inwards.
  4. Extend your arms out to the sides, parallel to the floor, with your palms facing down.
  5. Inhale and lengthen your spine, keeping it tall and straight.
  6. Exhale and hinge at your right hip, reaching your right hand towards your right shin, ankle, or the floor. Avoid placing your hand directly on your knee.
  7. Extend your left arm straight up towards the ceiling, aligning it with your shoulders.
  8. Gently turn your gaze towards your left hand or keep it forward, depending on what feels comfortable for your neck.
  9. Hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute, breathing deeply and maintaining a steady posture.
  10. To come out of the pose, inhale and engage your core as you press through your feet to lift your torso back up to a standing position.
  11. Repeat the pose on the other side, turning your left foot out and reaching your left hand towards your left shin, ankle, or the floor.

Here are a few tips to help you perform Triangle Pose effectively:

  • Keep your legs straight, but avoid locking your knees. Engage your thigh muscles to maintain stability.
  • Lengthen your torso as you stretch in opposite directions, reaching through your fingertips and the crown of your head while grounding through your feet.
  • Engage your core muscles throughout the pose to support your spine and maintain balance.
  • If you have any balance issues, you can use a block or a prop to support your lower hand.
  • Be mindful of any discomfort or pain and adjust the depth of the pose as needed.

Incorporating Triangle Pose into your fitness routine, along with other exercises that target the core and a healthy diet, can contribute to reducing love handles over time.

Side Stretching

Side stretching exercises can help target the oblique muscles and contribute to reducing love handles. Here’s a simple and effective side stretching workout you can try:

Standing Side Bend:

  1. Start by standing with your feet hip-width apart and your arms relaxed at your sides.
  2. Inhale deeply and lift both arms overhead, interlocking your fingers with your palms facing upward.
  3. Exhale and gently lean your upper body to the right, lengthening your left side. Keep your shoulders relaxed.
  4. Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds, feeling the stretch along your left side.
  5. Inhale as you return to the center, and then repeat the stretch on the opposite side.
  6. Repeat the sequence 3-4 times on each side.

Seated Side Bend:

  1. Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you, and feet flexed.
  2. Inhale and raise both arms overhead, extending your spine.
  3. Exhale and slowly lean your upper body to the right, reaching your right hand towards your right foot or ankle. Keep your left sit bone grounded.
  4. If possible, gently turn your gaze towards the ceiling to deepen the stretch.
  5. Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds, feeling the stretch along your left side.
  6. Inhale as you return to the center, and then repeat the stretch on the opposite side.
  7. Repeat the sequence 3-4 times on each side.

Standing Side Leg Lifts:

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your hands on your hips.
  2. Engage your core muscles and shift your weight onto your left leg.
  3. Lift your right leg out to the side as high as comfortable, keeping your foot flexed.
  4. Hold the lifted position for a few seconds, feeling the engagement in your left oblique.
  5. Lower your right leg back down and repeat the lift on the left side.
  6. Perform 10-12 repetitions on each side, alternating between left and right.

Remember to breathe deeply and maintain good posture throughout these exercises. Gradually increase the intensity and duration of the stretches as your flexibility improves. Incorporating these side stretching exercises into your routine, along with a balanced diet and other core-targeting exercises, can contribute to reducing love handles over time.

Knee Drop

The Knee Drop exercise, also known as Side Plank with Hip Dip, is an effective workout for targeting the oblique muscles and love handles. Here’s how you can perform it:

  1. Start by lying on your right side on a mat, with your legs extended and stacked on top of each other. Place your right forearm on the mat, elbow directly under your shoulder.
  2. Engage your core muscles by squeezing your abs and glutes.
  3. Lift your hips off the mat, creating a straight line from your head to your heels. This is the starting position.
  4. While maintaining the side plank position, slowly lower your left hip towards the mat by bending your left knee and letting it drop toward the floor.
  5. Pause briefly when your left knee is close to the floor, then return to the starting position by straightening your left leg and lifting your left hip back up.
  6. Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions or times.
  7. Switch to the other side and repeat the exercise, lying on your left side and performing the movement with your right knee.

Here are a few tips to perform the Knee Drop exercise correctly:

  • Focus on maintaining proper form throughout the exercise. Keep your body aligned in a straight line and avoid sagging or arching your back.
  • Control the movement and perform it in a slow and controlled manner to engage your oblique muscles effectively.
  • Keep your core engaged and your glutes activated to stabilize your body during the exercise.
  • Breathe continuously and rhythmically throughout the movement.
  • Start with a manageable number of repetitions and gradually increase as you build strength and endurance.

In addition to the Knee Drop exercise, it’s beneficial to incorporate a variety of core-strengthening exercises, cardiovascular activities, and a healthy diet to effectively reduce love handles over time.

Donkey Kicks

Donkey Kicks are primarily a lower body exercise that targets the glutes and hamstrings. While they don’t directly target the love handles, they can still be beneficial for overall strength and toning. Here’s how you can perform Donkey Kicks:

  1. Start on all fours with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. This is the starting position.
  2. Engage your core muscles by squeezing your abs.
  3. Keeping your right knee bent at a 90-degree angle, lift your right leg up and back, extending it until your thigh is parallel to the ground. Your foot should be flexed.
  4. Focus on using your glutes to lift your leg, rather than relying solely on momentum.
  5. Pause briefly at the top of the movement, squeezing your glutes.
  6. Lower your right leg back down to the starting position in a controlled manner.
  7. Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions on your right side.
  8. Switch to your left leg and perform the same movement, lifting and lowering it in a controlled manner.

Here are a few tips to perform Donkey Kicks effectively:

  • Keep your core engaged and your back flat throughout the exercise.
  • Avoid arching or rounding your back as you lift your leg.
  • Focus on the mind-muscle connection and consciously engage your glutes to perform the movement.
  • Maintain a controlled pace, emphasizing the contraction of the glutes at the top of the movement.
  • Breathe consistently throughout the exercise.

While Donkey Kicks can contribute to overall strength and toning, it’s important to note that reducing love handles requires a comprehensive approach, including a combination of cardiovascular exercise, a balanced diet, and other core-targeting exercises.

Side Squats

Side squats are a dynamic lower body exercise that can engage multiple muscle groups, including the glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, and core, which indirectly targets the love handles. Here’s how you can perform side squats:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing forward.
  2. Engage your core muscles by squeezing your abs.
  3. Take a wide step to the right with your right foot, keeping your toes pointed slightly outward.
  4. Lower your body by bending your right knee, pushing your hips back, and keeping your left leg straight.
  5. Go as low as you comfortably can, aiming for a 90-degree bend in your right knee, while keeping your left foot firmly planted on the ground.
  6. Push through your right foot and engage your inner thigh and glute muscles to return to the starting position.
  7. Repeat the movement on the opposite side, taking a wide step to the left and performing a side squat with your left leg.
  8. Continue alternating sides, performing the side squats for the desired number of repetitions.

Here are a few tips to perform side squats effectively:

  • Keep your chest lifted and your gaze forward throughout the exercise.
  • Focus on maintaining proper form by keeping your knees in line with your toes and avoiding the inward collapsing of the knees.
  • Engage your core muscles to help stabilize your body during the movement.
  • Control the descent and ascent of the squat to maximize muscle engagement and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Breathe continuously and naturally throughout the exercise.

Incorporating side squats into your workout routine, along with a combination of cardiovascular exercise, a balanced diet, and other core-targeting exercises, can contribute to reducing love handles over time.

Side Kicks

Side kicks are an excellent exercise for targeting the oblique muscles, which can help in reducing love handles. Here’s how you can perform side kicks:

  1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands on your hips.
  2. Engage your core muscles by squeezing your abs.
  3. Lift your right leg off the ground and extend it straight out to the side, keeping your toes pointed forward.
  4. As you extend your leg, engage your oblique muscles to rotate your torso slightly towards the side you’re kicking with. This will help target the love handle area.
  5. Bring your leg back to the starting position in a controlled manner, without letting it touch the ground.
  6. Repeat the side-kick movement on your right side for the desired number of repetitions.
  7. Switch to your left leg and perform the same sidekick movement, extending your leg out to the opposite side and rotating your torso accordingly.

Here are a few tips to perform side kicks effectively:

  • Maintain good posture throughout the exercise, keeping your chest lifted and your gaze forward.
  • Keep your core muscles engaged to stabilize your body and maintain balance.
  • Focus on the movement coming from your hip and oblique muscles, rather than just swinging your leg.
  • Start with a range of motion that feels comfortable for you and gradually increase it as you build strength and flexibility.
  • Breathe naturally and rhythmically throughout the exercise.

Incorporating side kicks into your workout routine, along with a combination of cardiovascular exercise, a balanced diet, and other core-strengthening exercises, can help target the obliques and contribute to reducing love handles over time.

Side Plank – Hip Lifts

Side Plank with Hip Lifts is an excellent exercise for targeting the obliques and love handles. Here’s how you can perform it:

  1. Start by lying on your right side on a mat. Place your right forearm on the mat, elbow directly under your shoulder. Stack your feet on top of each other.
  2. Engage your core muscles by squeezing your abs and glutes.
  3. Lift your hips off the mat, creating a straight line from your head to your feet. This is the starting position.
  4. While maintaining the side plank position, lower your hips slightly towards the mat and then lift them back up, focusing on engaging your oblique muscles.
  5. Repeat the hip lifts for the desired number of repetitions.
  6. Switch to the other side and repeat the exercise, lying on your left side and performing the hip lifts with your left forearm supporting you.

Here are a few tips to perform Side Plank with Hip Lifts effectively:

  • Maintain proper form throughout the exercise. Keep your body aligned in a straight line and avoid sagging or arching your back.
  • Control the movement and perform it in a slow and controlled manner to engage your oblique muscles effectively.
  • Keep your core engaged and your glutes activated to stabilize your body during the exercise.
  • Focus on the mind-muscle connection and consciously engage your obliques to perform the movement.
  • Breathe continuously and rhythmically throughout the exercise.

In addition to Side Plank with Hip Lifts, it’s beneficial to incorporate a variety of core-strengthening exercises, cardiovascular activities, and a healthy diet to effectively reduce love handles over time.

Diet Chart Tips To Reduce Love Handles

While I can provide you with a sample diet plan, it’s important to note that individual dietary needs vary, and it’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalized advice. Here’s a sample diet chart that can help you target love handles:

Meal 1:

  • Option 1: Vegetable omelet made with egg whites, spinach, tomatoes, and onions.
  • Option 2: Greek yogurt with mixed berries and a sprinkle of chia seeds.
  • Option 3: Whole grain toast with avocado and a boiled egg.


  • Option 1: A small handful of almonds or walnuts.
  • Option 2: Carrot sticks with hummus.
  • Option 3: Sliced apple with a tablespoon of natural peanut butter.

Meal 2:

  • Option 1: Grilled chicken breast with a side of steamed vegetables and quinoa.
  • Option 2: Baked salmon with roasted asparagus and sweet potatoes.
  • Option 3: Lentil soup with a mixed green salad topped with grilled shrimp.


  • Option 1: Low-fat cottage cheese with cucumber slices.
  • Option 2: A protein smoothie made with unsweetened almond milk, spinach, banana, and protein powder.
  • Option 3: Air-popped popcorn (without butter) sprinkled with a little bit of sea salt.

Meal 3:

  • Option 1: Lean turkey or chicken breast lettuce wraps with sliced bell peppers and a side of brown rice.
  • Option 2: Grilled tofu stir-fry with a variety of colorful vegetables and brown rice.
  • Option 3: Whole grain pasta with marinara sauce, lean ground turkey, and steamed broccoli.


  • Option 1: Sliced cucumber and cherry tomatoes with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar.
  • Option 2: Low-fat Greek yogurt with a sprinkle of granola and sliced strawberries.
  • Option 3: Hard-boiled eggs with a sprinkle of black pepper.

Remember to adjust portion sizes according to your specific needs and goals. Additionally, be mindful of your overall calorie intake and try to maintain a calorie deficit for weight loss. Regular physical activity and exercise are also important in combination with a healthy diet for reducing love handles.