How to Get Lean Muscle For Women – Secrets of the Fitness and Cover Model Revealed

Are you looking for ways how to get lean muscle for women? Do you want to still have that feminine appearance with curves? This can be achieved by training the muscles correctly, eating the right foods and still maintaining that soft look. In this article, we will reveal what you need to do and apply to get those results.

~ How To Get Lean Muscle For Women Tips:

– Replace the light weights – Ok, there are myths and there are facts. Weight training for women with heavier weights is not going to build you huge muscle mass as the female body does not have enough testosterone to do this (this is not powerlifting training). So replace the light weights with some slightly heavier ones because weights are what shape your body to give you curves, shapes and feminine lines.

Trust me on this, to add sexy curves to your body don’t be afraid of the heavier weights in your weight training programme. Plus be aware of your weight on the scales too, as one pound of muscle which is very hard for a female to achieve, takes up a lot less space on your body than one pound of body fat does. Go by the mirror rather than the scales.

– The importance of fats – Oh no, fats I hear you say, the dreaded “f” word! Well, being fat-free can be dangerous for your body when shaping up and you must eat some fats to lose fat, a fact not a myth. A lot of products that are fat-free have extra sugar for taste and that will send your insulin level right up.

Now insulin is a fat storage hormone so you will need to keep down to a minimum the number of insulin surges you have per day while staying within your calorific budget. Please do not be scared of fats and try to include 20% of them daily healthy ones in the How to get lean muscle for Women programme.

– What about carbs? – Carbs can play a huge role in achieving your shapely, feminine body. They are not necessarily the bad boys. It’s really all about the amount of carbs that you eat and also when. To best way in which carbs will work best for you is before and after your workouts. At this time your muscles will soak them up for energy and afterwards to replace what has been used in your training session. The lower you keep your carb intake the less you will crave sweet foods etc.

– The cardio factor – All fitness routines should involve cardio so here’s the secret to how to get better results in less time. By introducing high-intensity interval training (HIIT) into your how to get lean muscle for women routine. Instead of adding more hours to your cardio routine and performing at a steady pace. Cut down to 20 – 30 mins per session as that’s all you need with HIIT.

Start out by warming up then alternate 30 seconds all outbursts followed by intervals of 90 seconds at an easier pace to recover. Over the weeks and months build up your interval burst time for even faster fat loss and shapely feminine gains.