How to Build Muscle for Women: What You Need to Know?

Every woman will have a different goal in mind for hitting the gym, and specifically for hitting the weight section at the local gym. Some simply want to get rid of their flabby arms and thighs and replace the fat on these problem areas with lean, toned muscles. Others, however, do want to get a more ripped look to their body. They want to present an image of feminine power to the world. The fact is that whatever your goals are, you first need to know how to build muscle for women.


When it comes to understanding how to build muscle for women, the first point to consider is your diet. You may have heard that protein is a basic building block of muscle, and this is true. Most women would love to turn their body fat into muscle, either lean or bulky muscle. In order to do this, you will need to eat a diet that knocks out the excessive fats and sugars and instead focuses on lean proteins.

In general, you will want to eat about 0.8 grams of protein for every 2.2 pounds of weight you carry on your body frame. Of course, you do want to drink plenty of water and otherwise eat a balanced diet with the proper amounts of fruits, veggies, and low-fat dairy options, too.

Lean Muscles

If your goal in researching how to build muscle for women involves learning how to develop lean, sexy, sculpted muscles without getting ripped, you are not alone. Many women would love to get rid of the jiggle and instead reveal to the world a healthy and lean yet muscular body. To do this, you will want to do weight exercises for all of your body muscle groups on a regular basis. To get lean muscles rather than bulky muscles, the key is to use lighter weights and do more reps.

Bulky Muscles

If you are a woman who wants to exude a powerful presence with a muscular build and wants to learn how to build muscle for women, you will want to structure your workouts a bit differently. Instead of doing more reps with lighter weights, you will want to use heavier weights and do less reps. You really do want to feel the burn and push yourself, but you don’t want hurt yourself, either. You may find that eating a protein bar or protein-based snack after a workout helps you to build muscle faster, too.

A Full Body Workout

One last consideration to keep in mind when you research how to build muscle for women is to ensure that you give your entire body a solid workout. Many women will be inclined to do the basic exercises like a shoulder press, an arm curl, a leg extension, and the thigh abductor, but will not give themselves a complete workout. When you do this over time and neglect other major muscle groups, your muscles will tone and develop unevenly, and you will not end up with the total body results you want.